Booking experiences on Cicero Experience is very easy:
Once you have reached the home page of the Cicero Experience site, select in the top bar:
> "Experiences" if you want to view experiences by format/category
> "Destinations" if you want to view experiences by area of interest/destination
"Experiences" page
Within the "Experiences" page it is possible to proceed in the choice of the category of interest of the experience by clicking on the desired format.
Once you have selected the desired format (e.g. Nature) and the experience and the Cicero that best suits your tastes, you must click on the "Book now" item.
"Destinations" page
Within the "Destinations" page, however, the type of search is different, in fact here you can proceed in choosing the area where you want to find the experience.
Once you have selected your preferred area, you can then choose the specific experience.
Chosen experience page
Once you open the selected product page, a description of the experience and the Cicero that will guide you during the same is available.
To proceed quickly with the purchase it is convenient to click again on the colored box at the top right of the page: "Book now", so as to quickly reach the bottom of the page where there is information regarding availability and prices. At the bottom of the page, moreover, in the FAQ section, there are the most common questions related to the selected experience.
To book the chosen experience, selected the date, the time if requested, and the number of people, you proceed to the purchase by clicking on the item "Book now".
Checkout page and payment methods
Once you click on the "Book now" item you will be sent to the checkout page.
Here you need to fill in all the required billing fields, (name and surname, country / region, street and number, city, province, zip code, telephone, email address, create password).
You proceed by selecting the payment method you prefer, choosing between: payment by card, bank transfer or payment in 3 installments without interest with Scalapay™.
> If you choose to pay by card you must enter the required data in the box below the item "Credit or debit card", and then click on "Place order".
> If you choose to pay by bank transfer, simply select the "Bank transfer" item and then click on "Place order". After that, within a few seconds, you will receive an email in which the Iban of Cicero Srl is present in order to complete the operation.
> If you choose payment in 3 installments without interest with Scalapay, after clicking on the item "Pay with Scalapay", you will be redirected to the Scalapay™ site itself, where, following some simple steps (account creation, personal and card data entry) you can complete the order.
For all payment methods, once the order has been placed, you will receive a first automatic email that will confirm the correct execution of what has been selected, and a second email that will be sent later by a member of the Cicero team who will provide the last details necessary for the day of the experience, in terms of address, time, date, contacts and various specifications.